Welcome to GIXA!

This web-site gives an overview about the research on Glancing Incidence X-ray Analysis (GIXA) in the X-ray group at the Atominstitut of the TU Wien.

You might be interested in our introduction to GIXA, i.e. the combination of different types of X-ray techniques under Grazing Incidence conditions.
In our lab this mostly means Grazing Incidence X-ray Fluorescence (GIXRF) and X-ray Reflectivity (XRR), which we use to analyze thin layers or implants in the nanometer range mainly on/in Silicon wafers.
Moreover we also perform XANES measurements of biological samples, e.g. cell lines, on quartz reflectors in TXRF geometry at synchrotron light sources.

You can read up on our publications dealing with these research topics or take a look at our funding sources and projects.

Don't miss out on our tools section, which helps to calculate absorption coefficients or optical parameters of materials for x-rays.